Mar 4, 2014

Confessions of a new Blogger.

 When I first decided to start a Fitness blog I was so excited and I still am but I have to confess sometimes I feel like I have no clue what I am doing. I have realized one of my biggest mistakes is ---

-Being Shy- I need to stop being so shy and start commenting on the blogs I follow and love. I read them but most of the time I leave without saying anything. One of the reasons I began blogging is because I wanted to make new friends and you can't do that if you never speak.

I also think I need to spend a little more time on my posts. I can still write about what I love while at the same time keeping it interesting (with most topics anyway.)

Design- Right now I have a pre-made free design and it's cute but it's not what I want in the long run. So as I have said before I am currently trying to get a custom design. I wan't something fun but also professional.

I think everyone who begins blogging sees it as this new and exciting experience where you can share your thoughts and meet new people but once your up and running you realize you are in this huge world with no road map.

Thankfully the blogging community is full of Amazing people full of knowledge and tips to help you find your way.

So if you are feeling overwhelmed take a second to catch your breath and reach out to a fellow blogger.

And remember it takes time. ( I have to remind myself of that often.). The more you put yourself out there and participate in the blogging community the more you will learn and the more your blog will grow.

Don't Give Up!!!


  1. I can so relate to this! I also find it interesting how many bloggers say that they are shy. I myself am very shy and prefer to NOT be the center of attention. It's funny that being this shy we find ourselves blogging about ourselves to share with the world! LOL!

    1. Lol Sheila I never even thought about that. haha. I guess even though we are shy we still have a story to tell and still want the opportunity to connect with others :)

  2. Blogging can be overwhelming and it's awesome that there are so many bloggers out there willing to share what has worked for them and what didn't work. You're absolutely right about taking a moment to catch your breath. You should enjoy blogging but the most important thing is to not lose sight of why you started this blog. And don't be shy about commenting. Your comment could make a difference in someone's situation or make a blogger's day. Visiting from SITS. Have a great weekend.

    1. Debra.. Thank you so much for stopping by. I created my blog to document my journey to a healthier more positive me and to Inspire others but also for this right here :). The communication with other bloggers.. I love it !!! Hope you have a great weekend as well.

  3. I am also new to this (blogging for 2 months now). I can relate to what you said about being shy! I am an introvert! I am so new to this and I feel like my to-do list for working on my blog is miles long and written in another language (HTML). Found you from the SITS linkup :)

    1. Welcome :) ..the Blogging community is Amazing... and yes i know there is so much to learn but always someone there to help you find your way... What I'm going to do tomorrow is write down All the things I need to learn and take them one step at a time.

  4. This is my second attempt at having my own blog. These are some of the things that I noticed from blogging:
    1. Be yourself and just allow the words to flow. I never read back my blogs (that isnt necessary a good thing). However, I find that, for me, I write what I feel in that moment, making it more authentic. When it's authentic the right people connect with it and the more likely you are to make new friends who are like-minded. Friends that accept the authentic you. Remember you are amazing as you are.
    2. The posts that you think are going to be mega popular using arent and the ones that you think are just "ok" will be popular and get you noticed.
    3. Share your blog and your posts on other social networks. Guest post for people and comment on other people's blogs. You can even do it as anon.

    Happy blogging my new blog friend.

    Lots of love. xxx

    1. Thank you for the blogging tips (always love those) :). And I definitely agree and will definitely keep all of them in mind.

  5. From the Sits Girls here. Glad I found you. I really like your blog. And you're so right! You can't give up. It's amazing what you'll learn in the years you blog! And the friends you make!

    1. Thank you so much :). That's one of the things I love about Blogging..the ability to meet new people and make new friends ..that you would have otherwise never had met..

  6. My blog focuses on skin care treatments and products I use on my clients and myself so I have a hard time putting too much information about myself out there but I am trying. Yet I love getting a peak of others lives. I look forward to seeing your progress as you blossom!

  7. Hey, Don't be shy! Your opinion is important and I think every blogger loves getting a little love. I know I have felt a little disconnected with first I totally thought that if I got great pictures and good recipes out there it would just make people comment, but I think becoming a member of communities is what is helping me finally have actual dialogues with other bloggers. SITS is a great community, there are also a few FB groups that have awesome members! Look for some groups in your niche and I'm sure you'll have bloggy friends in no time!

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