Mar 12, 2014

Exciting News !!!!

Every Week I will be hosting a Weight loss/Fitness Inspiration of the week. I have gotten such good feedback  and cannot wait to get started.

My first feature will be next week. It will be every Monday... Why Monday you ask??

- Well you know how we always say Oh we will start Monday -- yea we have all been there :)

So I decided it was just the perfect day. Maybe someone who promised to start on Monday will see it, and instead of convincing themselves to just start next Monday -maybe they will be Inspired and it will Motivate them to start right then and now.. No more putting it off.

-Fresh week-Fresh Start.

Who can be featured?

-Anyone who has lost weight
-In the process of losing weight
-Gained weight ( if you were underweight)

If you are Interested in being a feature please feel free to email me @

Make sure to stop by to see Amazing Transformations, Here their stories, and tips from each other.

Get ready to be Inspired!!!


  1. Stopping by from our SITS group. Great blog. I need some motivation to get back to working out, so this will be great

    1. Thank you for stopping by Lewis :). Yes!!! I hope you will stop by and who knows maybe one day you will be a feature ... All it takes is that first step and then just keep taking steps forward towards to your goal :).

  2. Stopping by from our SITS group as well! I also need motivation. I have such good intentions. I just can't execute them. Looking forward to the feature!

    1. Thank you for stopping by also :)... Sometimes all you need is a support group to help keep you on track. I hope this page and features motivate you and I also have a private fb group if your interested or even just emails.

      As a personal trainer in training (hehe) and a Health coach I am always happy to assist others in reaching their fitness goals. So feel free to email me anytime :)

  3. Oh I love see how people transform their bodies! Always so inspiring!
