Feb 26, 2014

Insane Confessions

Hello everyone :)... So I have a confession.........

I haven't been doing Insanity Like I should be..in fact I missed a whole week :(

I wasn't at home and I left my discs. But last night I went and got them and I am happy to say I am back on track and it feels good.

I was still going to the gym and doing weight training so I feel good that I was still being active but I started Insanity and I want to FINISH it. --no more quitting!!

Another thing I have been struggling with.....

It's my eating...

Yes my eating ....

I'm still eating healthy- I have my 2 Herbalife Shakes a day

But I'm struggling with making sure I am eating both snacks and sometimes my meal isn't so balanced... Last night all I had was a chicken breast -_- ..

So I really really need to work on that because as I've said before not eating enough isn't good for you either and I need to watch that.

So I'm going to go grocery shopping tonight and start weighing and prepping my meals for at least the next day .. I'm not working right now so it will give me something to do each day. But when I begin working again I will prep on sundays and Wednesdays because that really worked for me before..

None of us are perfect, sometimes we are going to make mistakes -whether it's not working out knowing we should, eating something we know we shouldn't, or not eating enough. --The IMPORTANT thing is that we don't let it get us down.

Address the issue, Accept that you are human and make mistakes and then go work out and make a healthy meal. :)


  1. It's nice to know I am not the only one that slips. I am gearing up for a detox and looking forward to all the goodness that comes from work well done.

    1. @Lady Kennedy ... :) yup we are all going to slip from time to time ... The trick is not to stay down wen we do ;) .. thank you for stopping by
